Casey Urban is a multidisciplinary artist and medicine woman. Casey uses plant medicine, movement, and songwriting to uplift and empower the artist within us all.

"What if the thing that breaks us, makes us?" - Casey Urban

"What if the thing that breaks us, makes us?" - Casey Urban

Meet Casey

Casey Urban is a plant medicine facilitator and multidisciplinary artist. Pro pleasure in creation, sex, and somatics. Her work is a healing balm for decimated hearts. She combines original music and pole dancing to tell the stories of her most vulnerable wounds. Casey’s sensitive approach to songwriting, storytelling, and plant medicine work cracks open a door for folks; an opening to be seen.

Casey produced a one-woman show in October 2023 titled β€œFavorite Lover: A Show About Choosing Yourself. This show told the story of a traumatic experience with an abortion that led her to have a rebirth as an artist. Casey has competed at a professional level in pole dancing in 2023 and placed 4th out of 8 of the top dancers in the North East. In 2022, Casey won the level 4 championship in PSO’s APC pole competition. Casey has produced multiple shows in NYC and has also danced with Snoop Dogg for an audience of 15,000 in his 2022 tour.



Where the beat meets folk, lyrics float.

The sky ignites her vision: she remembers in moons.
It is possible to feel and heal AND own your power. YOU choose when, where, and how to share yourself. 

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Β β€œIt is possible to feel and heal AND own your power. YOU choose when, where, and how to share yourself.Β β€œ Casey Urban

Β β€œIt is possible to feel and heal AND own your power. YOU choose when, where, and how to share yourself.Β β€œ Casey Urban